Sunday, April 11, 2021

Tantra Energy with Mahara Mckay in Goa, India

I am in deep meditation and I am in the djungles of India with my djungle fighters, the terrain is mountainous - we are ready for any engagement or battle ahead ....

My Meditation session is about to begin .... I am doing my breathing excercises and listen to Hindi Music in the darkend room ....
It is the voice of a female singer that enchants me and she takes me by the hand towards a djungle area ... deeper and deeper into the woods ...

I am in deep meditation and I am in the djungles of India with my djungle fighters, the terrain is mountainous - we are ready for any engagement or battle ahead ....

Suddenly we leave the djungle to my left deep down a bay with 2-3 ships flying the British Flag. the ships are 19th century style ... No words are spoken - only marching noises and cracking wood while on this high mountain path looking down at the bay and the ships ... here the meditation ends

Magic Moments - Hours - Lifetimes !

Calming Sitar Music | My Moonlight